Emerald green

The Emerald Green dye is lively and brings you back in time both in interior design and fashion. Sofas, lights, curtains, cushions all wear this star colour with beneficial virtues.

Very fashionable in your wardrobe: dresses, tops, shorts, cotton trousers and jumpers… Not to mention your little pairs of tennis shoes. Your entire dressing room comes alight with this Haute Couture colour which has a pride position in fashion this year. With green and red there is no bad taste possible as the two colours are complementary. They set each other off!

Long-lasting guarantee


One 350g box can dye:
Dry fabric Exemple Shade
Up to
600 gr
1 pair of jeans, 1 jumper, 1 bath towel Dark
600 gr
to 1200 gr
1 dressing gown, 1 double duvet cover Medium Medium
1200 gr
to 1800 gr
1 coat, 1 pair of curtains Light
Always read the label and be aware of the colour of your fabric before dyeing.

Easy to use

Versez la teinture dans le tambour Pour the dye into the washing machine drum
Ajoutez le tissu propre Add clean clothes or fabric
Versez la teinture dans le tambour Do a normal 40°C cotton wash. Add laundry detergent and wash the clothes again on the same setting to rinse.
You’re done!